The solar system is inhabited


Connections and solar system is inhabited

The solar system is inhabited, like the galaxy and the Universe, like the other Universes, either on the surface or underground. Of perhaps invisible entities, in different vibrational states. There has been etheric life on Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune for a long time.

The highlight is that people on Earth already have bases on the Moon, Mars, Venus and other planets. The black American, Russian, Chinese, German projects already have secret bases there where they said that you can't breathe, that you can't live and they still ask themselves "Are we alone in the Universe?" 

Truth and solar system is inhabited

Spending the money of unconscious and sleeping taxpayers, the governments of the world have known since 100 years ago that the other planets are inhabited. The world wars had not even started and the Germans were already going to Mars and Aldebaran. Then the Russians and the Americans and then the Chinese, in turn developed space programs, lying to the people that they have no money for education and health, but spending on secret black projects. 

Exognosis and solar system is inhabited

It is certain that history must be rewritten. The governments of the world have contracts with ETs and have fixed bases on the main planets of the Solar System and we see our stupid lives in misery and suffering. The level of people on Earth is very low, it is certain that no one believes these things, we believe the nonsense from the Bible and we go to church giving energy to who knows who. During this time, there is a great commotion in the sky, but no one sees. 

We are an amnesiac, unconscious and lazy species, probably this is the reason why the divine plan involves reptiles and grays to wake us up a bit.