Tolerance and education
Tolerance and education are still hopes for people even if we think we are civilized.
The year of grace 2024, we have atomic bombs, quantum mechanics and Unions of States, we have wars and technology but we still don't accept change and we still don't have tolerance for other opinions. We have all the possible and impossible sex (gender) combinations, but we do not approve of political change.
We have the example of the United States, which wanted change and did it. But in Romania it is not possible. The politically sold mass media and a large part of the population accept the EU and NATO restrictions, accept to pay for the Khazar wars in Europe and the East, but do not accept another political color, another politician's face, other opinions.
We are still fascinated or hallucinated by our membership in the Unions that want and make wars, we passively witness the limitation of our rights since 2007, we pay for the wars of all against all, but when a man wants peace, we kill him with stones in the public square, crucify him on the altar of our prejudice .
Romania was forced to be a communist country for 50 years and a security country through tricks and inertia for 35 years. Are we still not ready for a change, now that everyone is changing? We will be forced by events to do it. We don't even realize that the world is changing and we are the last ones who still don't accept the change.
After the 1989 coup d'état, the Romanians only had traitorous presidents. And we still didn't learn anything. We crucify those who vote with someone other than the political parties that stole our future for 35 years. We do not have the maturity to decide our fate but we allow others to steal our right to freedom.
We talk about democracy but we don't realize that there is no democracy in a world where the Jews commit genocide in Palestine and NATO wants war with Russia for world supremacy. We allow the EU to take away our rights but we declare that we have democracy. We pay for the world's wars but we claim to be sovereign. We accept restrictions but lie to ourselves that we are free.
Tolerance and education are only wishes for an uncertain future in which some peoples will probably disappear from the scene. Romanians are still emigrating massively but they vote the wrong way or don't vote at all, they refuse to make a country for themselves as "outside" but they support candidates who want war and corruption, i.e. steal like before.
It's paradoxical how we refuse to make our own destiny but allow others to influence it. And we don't want change, attacking anyone who thinks differently than us. We prosecute the intention and are intolerant and uneducated towards anyone who would attack the wrong direction in which the country is heading.
We are unable to understand that life passes us by and we have the right to leave a better world behind us, to our sons and grandsons. The elders still have the arrogance to decide the future of the children and the children allow themselves to be manipulated by the elders to go out on the street to condemn things and people they don't understand.
Romania woke up and voted something else for the first time after 35 years since the coup d'état, but the security guards make sure that things remain the same. The most vocal attackers of the new system are the former presidents who betrayed the country and sold the future to war and corruption and theft.
If we really want democracy, we must ask ourselves questions, challenge the old system and allow new people to do politics. Nothing can be built on mud.