Magical creatures
Connections and magical creatures
Magical creatures are all around us. We are magical creatures... could we define magic? According to me, magic is the fascination of the invisible, of the unknown, of unseen but felt things. It is a state, an emotion, a feeling through which man rises above the state of man. It is the rise to another dimension, to a higher vibration, to a level from which everything is possible, without limits, without fear, without restrictions and without shame, guilt.
Magical creatures are among us, only if we raise our heads to the sky, or focus our gaze on the blade of grass, or pay attention to our dreams. Visions in meditation contain magical creatures, just as at night we see spaceships of extraterrestrials, our brothers from other worlds. We are too busy with the distractions of earthly life, with our little concerns that steal our peace or time, with technology that steals our soul. We no longer know how to dream, to imagine other worlds, to look at the sky with the hope that something magical is happening, to be children and play. When we remain children, we remain pure and open, we still know that heaven is here among us and below us is a whole world ready to reveal its magic to us. We no longer know that there are elves and dwarves, dragons and other beings maybe different from us but fundamentally the same as us.
Truth and magical creatures
We would have to learn from other worlds and other creatures. But by denying them, we make them disappear, we drive away the magic and turn into non-humans, we extinguish the light in our soul and eyes, we lose the essence of this world that contains not only wars and politics, epidemics and survival, disease and evil. This world that scientists finally see as a simulation, a hologram, an illusion, has its importance, if you can get past the evil ET intrusions or the mixture of other dimensions.
If we knew how many are hiding in the clouds, at night, in the air during the day, in the forests, in the waters, then we could live with the certainty that we are not "alone in the Universe" as the servants of evil ask on TV. How could we be alone when at any moment the spirits of the dead or the elementals of air, water, fire or earth or fairies fly among us... We have souls deserted by too hard survival that doesn't let you dream and see magical things, we have hearts densified by everyday struggles, illnesses and bad news.
Exognosis and magical creatures
Our thoughts are confused by the bad influences from the astral and by the statutory energy of some areas with black sap.
It's good to always change places, not like nomads but like responsible tourists. It is good to do the Feng Shui analysis of our house, to find out what energies circulate in our house and outside it, to understand that the placement of the furniture is essential for a good sleep or a good reading. Are we really not learning anything from other peoples who may have understood things that escape us. The Chinese have a wisdom of thousands of years embodied in the Pillars of Destiny (Bazi) which teach us that our destiny is written and we should know it and harmonize with it, in Feng Shui which teaches us that the energy of the house is precious and in I Ching, the most intelligent system of divination.
Magic means knowing yourself and what you came to do in this life. Magic means to know what happened to the Earth and to the People in the past, to understand where we are going and what we will do. Magic means being up-to-date and informed about everything that is invented and discovered, to know what is happening in the world, to know what the trends are and to anticipate the future.