Unified Field
Connections and unified field
Unified Field is the Source, The Holy Grail of our age!
The truth is that the Jew Einstein, the servant of the Occult, discovered the Unified Field formula during his lifetime but betrayed his species.
He was horrified himself but handed it over to his greedy and evil masters and they have only done bad things since then, inhumane experiments and sadistic projects.
He told whoever wanted to listen that man is not ready to know about the Unified Field and that only after the third world war will he be ready.
Truth and unified field
The Unified Field is a combination of relativity and quantum mechanics and speaks of the Source and secret of unlimited energy.
Like every good thing on Earth in the last centuries, this secret is also kept under lock and key by our Wathcers/Masters who believe that they have the right to know and use the Universal power.
Exognosis and unified field
There are people who know about the Unified Theory of Everything, but they don't say it so they don't become targets. Humanity is under occupation and does not have the right to decide for itself or to choose the easier or the right path.