


Sitchin's fans (I was a fan myself) will tear me to pieces. But I assume what I say because I trust my sources. 

Connections and Venus=Nibiru

When the reptilians destroyed Maldek, the Mulge planet between Mars and Jupiter, Venus which was its satellite was catapulted into the galaxy and created great disorder and destruction. Velikovsky was right and I hope that my good thoughts reach him, wherever he is in the Universe now. 

Venus was called Neb-Heru by the Egyptians and according to the information of Anton Parks who was in Egypt and translated Egyptian tablets, stelae and papyri, Venus created great chaos 10,000 years ago, just when Enki-Osiris was killed by Enlil-Seth . Nibiru is therefore not the planet of origin of the Reptilians-Anunnaki, but the satellite of Mulge-Madek which was detonated in a destructive war. 

Truth and Venus=Nibiru

Planet X, on the other hand, is one of the planets that will bring massive destruction and would be one of the reptilian planets, being expected in 2030 in the Milky Way. Let's dismantle another myth and recognize the betrayal and manipulation of Sitchin who never admitted that the Anunnaki are reptiles. 

Exognosis and Venus=Nibiru

Venus is still inhabited underground, but it has a different vibration than the Earth and therefore cannot be physically visited. All the planets of the Solar System are or were reptilian bases from where they waged wars and on which several races still tried to land and make bases.