War has existed since the world was created. The war did not originate on Earth but was brought here by beings from a variety of star systems.
Approximately 80% of the races in the Universe are benevolent, peace-loving (service to others) while only 20% are self-serving or have a personal agenda more important than the well-being of others. Unfortunately for Earth, the percentages are almost reversed. Approximately 80% of the aliens that interacted with Earth were of negative polarity while 20% were benevolent.
The real history of Earth has little or nothing to do with apes except that they were an early form of the hominid species before the emergence of human consciousness and that one of their forms was genetically modified to host 7th density souls.. There were advanced civilizations that self-destructed or were destroyed by other civilizations or were taken from Earth by aliens and that humanity returned to certain primitive ways after these civilizations died out. Homo sapiens returned to an ape-like existence living in caves without modern technology, taking life from scratch.
During the last 10 million years there have been 4 major civilizations and at least 12 minor civilizations that have risen and fallen. The humanoid race was actually born 1 billion years ago.
Of the 12 dimensions of our Universe, the first 7 are individualized and the rest from 7 upwards are groups of souls. Only individualized beings make war.
The initial humanoid form was projected in the Vega star system in the constellation Lyra. We are not created by Source-God but by creative Beings called Founders or Ancient Race or Watchers. Initially there were 23 extraterrestrial races that interacted by combining their genes and forming the human race, but 30 extraterrestrial races observed, monitored and manipulated humanity behind the scenes, most of them evil.
Many times alien races have fought each other over the right to control the Earth and this continues to this day. Sometimes the conflicts between different groups of extraterrestrials took place on Earth while the respective beings were incarnated and at other times they took place in the dimensions inside and around the Earth or in the Earth's atmosphere. Other times such wars were limited to the 4th density heavens (the astral planes).
The cause of the war is the predominance of negative energies on, in and above the planet Earth. Energies are of several kinds:
-fragments of energy, i.e. disordered and disorganized energy emanating from one or more forms of life
- thought-forms, i.e. organized energy emanating from one or more life forms
-soul fragments in the form of disembodied entities that possess soul consciousness and real creative energy but not sovereignty
-sovereign beings who are in other dimensions and in communication with human beings.
The lower astral is the waste deposit (garbage dump) of unwanted energies. Due to the low level of vibration of the astral planes, the atmosphere of this land can be compared to the purgatory or hell of some puerile religions. In these lower worlds live monstrous and grotesque figures who tend to influence those souls who resonate with their vibrations.
There is a reason why the Middle East seems to have the most conflicts of any area on Earth. The Middle East is a point of convergence of trade routes and major religions Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
The geomagnetic center of the Earth is located at the Great Pyramid of Giseh and a major line of electromagnetic flux passes through Egypt and Israel, Iran and Iraq. In any place where the energy is the most concentrated, you will find the greatest dynamics and exchanges between the different peoples of the world.
The energy of the vortices brings to the surface unresolved problems from within the souls. In addition, the extraterrestrial influences in the Middle East are dominated by two large warring groups: the dark Orionians and the dark Sirians.