

Whistleblowers are those people who offer testimonials and statements about the hidden things that happen in the world. 

In the context of exopolitical revelations, whistleblowers' statements represent the most interesting and sought-after experience because they had direct meetings with ET and tell about their own experiences. 

Connections and whistleblowers

It is a wonderful opportunity to understand the ET races, their agenda, the interaction with the people on Earth and especially the pacts made with the governments of our world. 

Whistleblowers are Crey Goode, Michael Salla, Alex Collier, David Wilcock, Ashayana Deane and many others less known. 

Truth and whistleblowers

Corey Goode is in a way the spokesperson for the Sphere Alliance and more specifically the Blue Avians, a benevolent race of humans who evolve in dimensions 5 and up and who offer a perspective of the universal collective consciousness. 

Michael Salla is the spokesman for exopolitics, the new and avant-garde branch created by Webre and which offers valuable information about ET races and life on other planets. 

Alex Collier offers the point of view of the Andromedans who are another benevolent race bent on helping humanity. 

David Wilcock is an exceptional writer and journalist through whom all these whistleblowers express themselves and find space for presentation. 

Ashayana Deane represents the Guardian Alliance, which also includes the Founders of Sal Rachele. They are the ones who help humanity get out of the conspiracy. 

Exognosis and whistleblowers

They are my heroes, the ones who risk their lives so that we know the truth.