Whistleblowers are those people who offer testimonials and statements about the hidden things that happen in the world.
exognosis is a site that brings together conspiracy theory, point zero, sacred geometry, merkaba, DNA, the astral plane, Atlantis, global warming, Lemuria, Mars, Maldek, Ley Lines, the New World Order, Sumer, transhumanism, deja-vu, ancient civilizations , regressive hypnosis, physical, soul, spirit, aura, Christianity, Venus, Nibiru, Enki, intuition, Schumann resonance, space and time, Philadelphia Experiment, point is assemblage, altered states of consciousness, pyramid hologram, Matrix, bases on the Moon and Mars, the unified field, the Source, Creation, stargates, perpetuum mobile, the empty Earth, biocentrism, karma, the dream, Hartman knots, paleoastronautics, exopolitics, etc. exognosis is a site in memory of those who seek the truth, those who were discredited, boycotted, threatened, killed, those who lost their family or work, those who gave their lives so that we know the truth today.
Whistleblowers are those people who offer testimonials and statements about the hidden things that happen in the world.
Zero point technology will proliferate on Earth only when our consciousness opens up to the idea that it is possible to live in an ocean of infinite abundance.
The sacred geometry of the human body contains sacred symbols, templates and implants, i.e. geometric configurations that govern the functioning of 3rd and 4th density bodies.
The Merkaba is a vehicle of light, a force field made up of keys and codes of light that use sacred geometry.
Civic sense seems to have disappeared from the vocabulary and from the behavior and good manners of the people.
The New German Medicine through Dr. Hamer and the French doctor Ghislaine Lanctot are the two vanguardists who say something so bold.
Community is a word that is no longer used today.
DNA is not only a memory of soul incarnations, but also a memory of ancestral genetic lines. (the journey of the soul)
The astral plane is deceptive.
Atlantis is myth par excellence.
The Present- Carlos Castaneda All books
The Future- Frank Herbert Dune
The Past- Anton Parks All books