exognosis is a site that brings together conspiracy theory, point zero, sacred geometry, merkaba, DNA, the astral plane, Atlantis, global warming, Lemuria, Mars, Maldek, Ley Lines, the New World Order, Sumer, transhumanism, deja-vu, ancient civilizations , regressive hypnosis, physical, soul, spirit, aura, Christianity, Venus, Nibiru, Enki, intuition, Schumann resonance, space and time, Philadelphia Experiment, point is assemblage, altered states of consciousness, pyramid hologram, Matrix, bases on the Moon and Mars, the unified field, the Source, Creation, stargates, perpetuum mobile, the empty Earth, biocentrism, karma, the dream, Hartman knots, paleoastronautics, exopolitics, etc. exognosis is a site in memory of those who seek the truth, those who were discredited, boycotted, threatened, killed, those who lost their family or work, those who gave their lives so that we know the truth today.



Sunspots influence both the Earth and humans and other living things. There is a connection between the oscillations of the Earth's magnetic field and human behavior. These oscillations are strong and are influenced by the solar winds which are made up of electrically charged particles (electrons, protons).



Programming is man's number one enemy. Programming is the prerogative of advanced civilizations that program less evolved civilizations to limit, exploit and manipulate them for selfish purposes.



Disease is, in my opinion, humanity's number one problem at this moment on Earth.



Addictions are imposed or self-imposed limitations that prevent us from gaining a higher consciousness and freedom.

Trump's victory is a miracle. As much as he was harassed and boycotted in the last 10 years just because he had the courage to run for the presidency,



Money is a necessary evil today. Everyone is running after money and we never have enough money. The financial-banking system will disappear once money will no longer be useful and once humanity will develop spiritually. Work in factories will be taken over by technology, i.e. artificial intelligence, and then man will either have a subsidy from...



Education is a universal panacea, provided it offers metaphysical truths, it can get rid of diseases, vices, ecological, political or economic problems.



Crystals are alive. They are used for spiritual evolution, to create the relationship with the divinity, to connect with the divine energy of the Universe and to connect the human being with the astral field, the dimension in which we go at night when we dream and after death.

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